KIRI Containers
"KIRI" is paulownia in Japanese. The items in the KIRI collection are crafted in a workshop specialized in this beautiful wood in Aizu, Japan. Using the same traditional technique of "kiri-tansu" (paulownia chest), the surface of each piece is seared evenly. The blackened surface is carefully buffed until a desired color and texture is achieved, with the final touch of applying a layer of natural wax. This extremely time-consuming process is the secret of keeping the paulownia in prime condition and strong at staining.
Processed paulownia is a uniquely "breathable" material which made it great for storing dried food. Products made with processed paulownia is known for their ability of sustaining rapid change of weather: a virtue especially crucial for Japan.
Come to our showroom to see this item!
Designed by Studio Gala | Ryoichi Kobayashi
Soba Case: 102 x 102 x 240 mm | 4" x 4" x 9.5"
Flame-seared paulownia, wax finish
Crafted in Aizu, Japan.